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About Us: Portfolio

Christian Life Center of Boston

The central focus of the ministry of the Church of God Christian Life Center of Boston is to be a resource promoting spiritual growth, economical advancement, raise cultural awareness, and encourage social and individual development.


Our mission and vision is to spread the gospel throughout the greater Boston area: As a family of believers, we believe God has called us to…:

Reach Up - To worship God; We provide an exciting and God-honoring environment for worship. We set an atmosphere of worship to have a personal relationship and an extraordinary encounter with God.


Reach Out - To evangelize; Our main purpose is to reach out to people who are outside the family of God. This is the heartbeat of our church, reaching out to the lost and gaining them at any cost.


Reach In - To equip people; Our role is to assist you as a Christ-follower to grow in your spiritual maturity and become a follower of Christ.


Reach Around - To Nurture; We provide assistance to the community by developing social education and programs to challenge everyone to become active and fruitful citizens.

Our Message

God’s inspired and infallible Word is the seed of the world’s harvest, the bread for the spiritually hungry, and the light that proclaims God’s grace and deliverance to a world that is lost and bound in the darkness of sin.


The Spirit convincts of sin, brings assurance of sins forgiven, imparts peace that passes understanding, and guides into all truth. We are totally dependant on the Holy-Spirit to empower our message so it can bear the fruit God has promised.


Jesus… God who became man… is the Savior of the world. He offered up His life to redeem sinful mankind. Like the missionary-apostle Paul, our message to a lost world is “Jesus-Christ, and him crucified.” (1Corinthians 2:2).


We are proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost in the entire world through every available means.


We are establishing churches in many neighborhoods and the surrounding states, following the New Testament pattern.


We are training leaders throughout the world to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to their own people and to the other nations.


We are touching the poor and suffering people with the compassion of Jesus Christ and inviting them to become His followers.


After finishing his high school and seminary education in Haiti, Bishop Othon Noel immigrated to the U.S.A in 1975 to continue his studies. However, on his way to Lee College, he stopped in Boston, where he met some Christian brothers who wanted to start a church. He and his wife liked the Boston area so much they decided to begin their own ministry there. Setting in the suburbs of Boston, Bishop Noel vision for planting churches was renewed.


The same year he arrived in the States, he started his first church with seven (7) people. From that, God kept adding people to the church. Pastor Noel planted a mission church with about 16 to 17 people in a cell group. When each of the missions reached 25 to 50 members, he organized them into a church. Today, they all have from 75 to 200 members. Every Sunday, Bishop Noel’s congregation is averaging 500 to 650 in attendance. As a result of the growth of the church, Pastor Noel with the approval of the church members decided to expand the ministry. Finally, in 1993 we bought land to build a church. Today, the church membership has climbed to more than 750.


From the humble beginning of his church with seven (7) members 35 years ago, Brother Noel’s vision has not been detoured, in spite of lack of space. Altogether, they have planted thirty (30) churches. The ethnic congregations established by he and his wife in the Boston area over the past 35 years are made up of Haitian, Jamaicans, African -Americans, Anglophones, Caribbean, and Hispanics. He sees the needs, and God has always enabled him to fulfill those needs. The Church of God Christian Life Center has a mandate to equip other ministers and laity, plant other churches, and serve the community with love.

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